Mar 16, 2011

When you feel discouraged

This morning I'm doing my morning routine and Im talking with my wife and I go to that negative place that we all know so well and I say something stupid.
"It doesn't matter my goals to run a triathlon are over if this MRI comes back bad. You know how down time injuries play with your head"

I just kind of went off the deep end. Losses have been coming so slow and Training has been difficult to maintain with my knee. When I said those last words... "plays with your head" It clicked

I felt Frustrated, discouraged...

But, I know one thing.... I know the truth! Im not blind to the lies I tell myself anymore. You know the ones. The ones that creep into your mind when your weak and vulnerable. They stay and feed on your insecurities and self doubt until the next time something trips you. Then they attack you! You have to learn quickly that no matter what the lie is or how its told or disguised that its still a lie. Even if it sounds like its almost true. You dont have to be that way. You odnt have to accept it. You make it a lie by the way you react to it. Stop letting it feed. Smother the lies with Motivation, Success, and a Desire to be more tomorrow then you were yesterday.

1 comment:

LittleRachet said...

This is just a minor setback. If you get bad news, then your new goal should be to find other ways to continue your weightloss and maintain some of your fitness for racing. It's just a shift in priority until your original goal can become a reality again.

Hang in there!