Mar 24, 2011

Could it be true

Weight training and diet alone... I think I'm losing weight. It doesn't really surprise me. I'm probably not going to lose much as I'm sure the muscle gains will do away with that but I'm hoping for some visible results as well as inches. I think my body is really responding well and Im loving the workouts. I almost dont want to quit now that I've started. I really need to sit down and figure out how to wedge in some lifting workouts into my training schedule after my knee fully recovers.

I saw this today and really liked it.--->
Ali made some very motivating comments. If you get a chance take a moment to look up some of what he said.

Mar 22, 2011

Broken scales and Deadwood, SD

This post has nothing to do with Deadwood, South Dakota. I just thought it made for a catchy title oh and I kind of feel like a piece of deadwood without cardio.

So because my knee is on restricted duty I have decided to attack strength training in hopes to build some lean muscle mass in th next 3-5 weeks. I know its a short amount of time but every little bit helps plus I think my fitness level is at just the right point where my body will respond positively to weight lifting.

Sunday I started with a pretty intense circuit. I wanted to get all cylinders firing. I did Arms, Shoulders, Chest. With and extra attention on Arms with dumbbells. When I was done my forearms were bulging It was the coolest thing ever! My body felt great and seems to really eat up the training. Last night I did Back and Core. Today forearms and biceps are still sore.

Oh and My stupid scale decides to quit working just when need to monitor my weight the hardest. Fine I just wont weigh in for 3 weeks.

Mar 18, 2011

Great Knee News!

Doctor called me last night. I need to talk to him again cause I was distracted and didn't get all the info. But here is the gist of it.

No tear! The meniscus is fine

The bone is bruised and the whole joint is full of fluid and the meniscus is inflamed.

No running, No cycling, Avoid all use of the knew and brace it. 2 weeks

Ok at least its not surgery...Yes!

Mar 17, 2011

w00t ...So close

Dropped some weight this morning. Its been about a week since my last weigh in. Ive lost 99.6 lbs. Hoping to really stay on the ball and get another decent ride in tomorrow. Maybe just maybe I can break through this wall!

Mar 16, 2011

When you feel discouraged

This morning I'm doing my morning routine and Im talking with my wife and I go to that negative place that we all know so well and I say something stupid.
"It doesn't matter my goals to run a triathlon are over if this MRI comes back bad. You know how down time injuries play with your head"

I just kind of went off the deep end. Losses have been coming so slow and Training has been difficult to maintain with my knee. When I said those last words... "plays with your head" It clicked

I felt Frustrated, discouraged...

But, I know one thing.... I know the truth! Im not blind to the lies I tell myself anymore. You know the ones. The ones that creep into your mind when your weak and vulnerable. They stay and feed on your insecurities and self doubt until the next time something trips you. Then they attack you! You have to learn quickly that no matter what the lie is or how its told or disguised that its still a lie. Even if it sounds like its almost true. You dont have to be that way. You odnt have to accept it. You make it a lie by the way you react to it. Stop letting it feed. Smother the lies with Motivation, Success, and a Desire to be more tomorrow then you were yesterday.

Mar 15, 2011

MRI This morning

Well I went in and had my knee run through one of those schmancy medical imaging devices. It didnt hurt. The technician chatted me up about triathlons of which was more than happy to discuss with her. She is doing her first this spring as well. I of course will not know the results until the doctor can look at the results and let me know tomorrow... I hate waiting. Curse you Google you have ruined me!

Mar 11, 2011

*Updates* Bike, Knee, and Weekends free!

Wow I have been so busy I have got to put more time into blogging it keeps me focused and goal oriented and ACCOUNTABLE!

I am in love with my bike but I have not been able to ride it more than just a around a few blocks no real speed or distance at all. It had a minor pedal problem and needed a little TLC. So I took it up to Joe @ MoJo Cycle. Got the pedal issue resolved and the tune up and wheels done. Im lucky to have great Bike shop locally!

So my knee...Well it kind of sucks. I have quit running and swimming. All Im doing right now is stationary bike. Trying to do 60 min a day at >20Mph. The last few days It has felt better. Monday I went in to the Dr and got to tell my awesome story to him. 300lbs to 198... Doctor was impressed I love to do that. Such a great feeling to share my story and he was eating it up asking all kinds of details.

He thinks I tore my meniscus from the symptoms I have. I have an MRI scheduled for Tuesday at 7:15am. If its a bad tear then likely I will have surgery. Which may be the best course of action for the quickest recovery. Small tear means healing on its own.

Either way I wont know weather I can compete in Bluff Creek on May 22nd or not until after. I'm very disappointed that this has happened as it really was a major milestone in my fitness goals and completing this is kind of proof of "Look you really are different"

Bonus Lost .2 lbs today and only a few more Saturdays left to work.

Mar 2, 2011

New bike

Im driving to Omaha tomorrow to pick up my new bike. Im very excited.

I'm not dumping a boatload of cash into this thing but I wanted to get something that would provide a decent frame with some upgrade-ability

I have been looking at Giant for a while and decided on the Trinity A2. I know the A2 has the lower end components. This is a bike I can "grow" into. The reviews Ive read on Slowtwitch and BT have suggested that this is a really decent bike. I stopped in at the Bike world Warehouse sale and found that the bike Im buying tomorrow was quite a steal compared to the "deals" to be had at Bike world.

Trinity A2 (2008) - Bikes | Giant Bicycles | United States

Mar 1, 2011

Ouch..My Knee

I dont know for sure what is wrong. I think, overuse from too much swimming not enough rest. My friend Rachelle *Waves*, tells me I need to roll out my muscles and I probably do.

The weird thing about this whole thing is it feels like jacked up but no pain. Last night I did a 14 mile stationary bike ride 42 minutes.

Things felt a little weird at first but better as I got into it.

Had my chiropractor look at it today 3/2/11. Twisted it a little and *click* I actually heard an audible click sound. Im not sure if its fixed yet Im going to rest it tonight and go easy tomorrow morning.