Dec 21, 2010

I was in a car accident

Last Tuesday the 14th of December I was driving home from work when I was struck from behind by another vehicle. My car was stopped on the interstate due to some unknown traffic congestion and the driver behind me failed to stop and slammed into me.

I was wearing my seatbelt and am truly lucky to have come away with out more extensive injuries. I have a whiplash and some back issues as well a shoulder problem. I was down for 3 days at home recovering after the accident and I returned to work on Monday.

I have as you might expect been unable to continue my regular workouts or routine. I have been doing some walking on Sat and Sun. but beyond that no real exercise. I have been watching my diet very closely to avoid putting on weight while Im down. I thought I was gaining quite abit of weight but luckily when I weighed this morning I was pleasantly surprised.

I weighted in just .2 lbs over my lowest weight. I was very relieved to see that I was still maintaining after a week. In fact I think I might have actually lost a little if the painkillers hadn't caused me to retain so much.

I'm going to a Chiro this afternoon we will see what he says about picking up some light cardio in the coming weeks.

Wish me luck

Dec 10, 2010

Plateau busted

Finally after more than 30 days I weighed in at 214.4 this morning. Over the last month I have been unable to break past 215.4 and It was just this constant back and forth battle for 3 lbs. It was really beginning to wear on me and I have to admit it was starting to break me down. I mad some pretty solid changes that I referred to in my previous post that I think are the root cause of my success.

Man it feels good to be over that bump.

Dec 8, 2010

Back on track

Wow...I gotta tell you it has been a tough 30 days for me on the weight loss front. Virtually no progress what so ever. But, I do believe I have finally started to dig my way back out.

I haven't lost or really gained any more than 2-3 lbs for the last 30 days. I was working out and eating right but just not making any progress. Now I do believe in weight loss plateaus but I don't believe they last for 30 days. You plateau because your body adjusts to your fitness level and diet but its only temporary and if you continue you will eventually pull through. The science is still there, Calories in vs. Calories out, and doesn't lie. I don't believe that what I experience was a plateau. I was changing workouts and monitoring diet closely.

I believe I was starving myself. (Not Deliberately)

Its true people you have to eat to lose weight. I wasn't hungry but my body was not getting enough food energy. I was taking in about 1300-1500 calories a day. I was also working out 4-6 days a week for about an hour. workouts were burning between 450-1100 calories depending on what training day I was on. So at the very best day I was taking in 1500 calories and burning 450 leaving me at 1050 calorie NET for the day and at my worst I was taking in 1300 and burning 1100 for a net of 200 Calories. That's not good ! I was doing exactly what I was trying to not to do. I just didn't realize it.

So I made some changes I upped my base calorie from 1470 to 1630 and have been eating till Im within 100 Cals of the net total after workouts.

Its been almost 2 weeks I started losing weight again 2 days ago. I really hope its not a fluke. Oh I also recommitted to drinking more alcohol water and watching my sodium intake a bit closer. I think all in all these were combined good improvements.

Have you ever experienced this? How did it work out for you?

Dec 7, 2010

Push up Challenge...85 baby!

I have a good friend on who challenged me to a Pushup challenge. To assist me in this challenge I acquired an app for my iPhone "Hundred Pushups" it helps you build up to 100 push ups in sets.

Anyway when I started this journey in Jan I was humiliated to realize that I could only do 1 single man push up. On top of only doing one I actually hurt myself doing it.

To get to the point last night I did a total of 85 push ups in 40 min and 55 of them were in a span of 10 min. All of them were full body Man push ups. Getting better at push ups has been one of my major goals ever since my first night. Night after night of girlie push ups just getting to the point where I could eek out 5 normal push ups took a long time.

Why push ups are important Make sure you check out the links within the article too.

Dec 5, 2010

I are swiming better!

Because I still feel my swimming is a bit dysfunctional...I are getting better.

Well based on my last 2 swims I fell like I am making progress I do feel like I'm swimming more efficiently. I cant however see that my times are improving just yet.

I feel like I finally have my breathing (on one side only) figured out so I'm not feeling like I cant get a breath will I swim. It at least makes it more enjoyable when you can breath even a little while swimming.

Ive been using these great swim training plans that are simple and easy to remember.
Zero to 1650 in 6 weeks

Check it out and if you don't incorporate swimming into your workout you should its great cardio and is very beneficial to your overall fitness.