Oct 23, 2010

Swimming ...FAIL

Well I timed myself today and did some drills to start my swim training. Ouch! Boy do I suck.

I had my wife time 250 meters (thats half of the sprint distance) and came out strong did my first 50 meters right at a minute but after that it all went downhill. I finished the 250 in 8 min. which is about what I thought. 17 min to swim 500 meters is way to long. This is just the beginning I have a long way to go and no where to go but up!

1 comment:

RayV said...

Hey, at least you swam 250m. When I started last January I couldn't even do 50m without almost drowning. Even after 4 months I could only manage 200m non-stop, which is why I gave up at the time.