Feb 10, 2011

Should I push it?

Ok I am sold! That HIIT is a really good workout. Im not sure I can do it again tonight I'm so sore.
Im really suprised this has carried over into a 3rd day. Im actually sore in new spots. Granted I rode the bike last night and did 5 sets of 1 minute sprints, but this is from the HIIT work out on tuesday.

The arch of my foot is even sore this morning. It's not injury just muscle soreness. Im definitely going to keep doing this. Any suggestions? Should I push it tonight or 1 more day of recovery?


RayV said...

If I waited till I was completely pain-free to do my next training session, I'd never get anything done..LOL. If you're absolutely sure it's just muscle soreness, just for it. Make sure you get at least 1 day a week off though, or at the very least just do something light on that day (a.k.a. active recovery) like a light/short swim or short walk. Today is my day off but I'm still doing a 30 min swim this evening. I did a 20k long run yesterday (2 hrs) and my legs aren't too bad today which is a good sign for me.

MC said...

Oh man I went ahead and did the workout and was fine. I know you cant wait but man it was the sorest Ive been in a long while. I guess I really need to step it up. :)