Jan 24, 2011

Workout/Injury update

Well on Sunday for the first time since my accident on Dec 14th I ran for an extended time and distance. Time and distance compared to what Ive been running. Before the accident I was running 5k without too much trouble and coming in regularly at around 30-35 minutes. So when I started running again in the beginning of this week I was really surprised that I could barely run even a mile without trouble.

I was very happy to say that on Sunday I ran 25 min without stopping at about 11 min pace. It felt so good! I miss running. The only reason I stopped was because I lost focus and my swinging arm caught my ear phone cord and ripped my iPhone off the treadmill.

So I'm feeling better and I think I can build back up without too much trouble. I'm really wanting to start pushing my distance beyond 5k and building speed.


LittleRachet said...

I don't usually wear an ipod when running, but I've been stuck on the treadmill and my parents don't have cable....so the ipod is my only source of sanity....until I do exactly what you said. I've been instructed by my coach (not for the ipod reason, but for form reasons) to touch my thumbs to my hips with each swing of the arm. Doing this keeps my arms swinging in straight lines...until I get lazy, forget, arms cross my body and BAM I catch that cord. Grr! Start practicing that. Maybe you can introduce a new (good) habit.

MC said...

That sounds like solid advice Ill have to start doing that. I need more info like this!!