Jan 15, 2011

Workout Changes

So over the last year I did a few races and the biggest thing that I learned was that I struggle with hills and speed. Since the accident I have not done much running and have strictly focused on cycling alone. Sadly I haven't done any real distance running since probably November when I started that boot camp class. I was running on the off days and it was just too much stress. My shin splints started to come back so I had to quit the off day runs. Now I'm feeling very stressed about my Swimming abilities and I want to pick back up on running and I know that my running has suffered.

In the coming weeks I'm going to transition to a new workout routine.
M,W,F 5-5:30 Swim. I will be trying to work on my stroke to get more comfortable with it and my breathing. 5:30-6:15 I will be Picking back up on C25k at an advanced pace to get back where I was. Once I hit the 5k mark again Ill transition to Bridge to 10K program. Wednesdays I will be doing increased incline on my runs.

T,TH 5:30-6:30 Ill be doing Track runs with 2 sets of stairs every lap. At the bottom of each set of stairs I'm alternating Push ups, Jax, Mountain climbers, Wall sits etc... Ill do that for 20 min then finish with 40 min of cycling.

Also I went back and looked this morning. I've lost 8.4 pounds since the beginning of this year. I'm really feeling like I'm on track and could potentially hit 199 by Feb 1, 2011. Awesome!

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