I had been a pack a day smoker for probably 12-13 years. I'm 32 now so I started young and I knew I wasn't going to be able to just quit because I had tried that in the past.
I set a date. I set a firm date that I swore to not break. I told everyone. I let everyone know that I was quitting and that my Last day would be Christmas Day 2006. I picked Christmas day because I wanted it to be easily remembered and I wanted it to be a special gift to my Wife and kids.
I slowly cut my cigarette intake back a few cigarettes every few days till 5 days before Christmas I was smoking only 3-4 cigarettes per day. The hardest times for me were commuting to and from work and lunch or mid afternoon. I realized that smoking was merely a social habit for me and that I truly was going to be able to quit.
A few days before Christmas things got stressful for me and I increased my cigarette intake. Despite the setback Christmas Day I smoked 4 cigarettes and finished my last pack for the rest of my life.

Don't get me wrong I struggled with it at first but inside of a few days I was completely off of them and I haven't looked back.
Since I'v been smoke free for 5 months I decided it was time to proceed with the next step.
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