May 29, 2007

Day 1

Day 1, First Run
280 lbs

I began my run at 9:00pm and returned home at 9:26pm.
It was hard but extremely fulfilling. By the time I got to the top of the first hill roughly 4 blocks or 700 feet I was Sucking wind so hard people in New Orleans started to get nervous.

I broke up the run with brisk power walking. I refrained from stopping altogether as I wanted to keep my heart rate up for the entire session. In the middle of the course I make a full lap around an 1/8th of a mile track at a local elementary school.

I had a second goal to make a complete revolution around the track at a nonstop steady jog. I was able to do it but I was really pushing myself near the end of the track circuit.

My lungs were screaming.

As I finished the track and started to head back the way I came (at a brisk walk) I realized how good my body felt. Every cell in my body was screaming but they were screaming, "You're Alive!!".
It was kind of a good tingly feeling.

As I finished my 1st run in my drive way I was exhilarated I had done it. It was a breakthrough I had done the hardest thing I had gotten off the couch and taken the steps to change.

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