May 13, 2011

Looks like rain

I ride my bike to and from the softball fields for meetings and games and whatever. Its 3.5-4 miles one way depending on the route and just gives me a few more miles on the bike. Wednesday night I had a meeting and rode my bike over. As the meeting ended I could see a storm rolling in. People kept asking me if I wanted a ride. No Im to good for that. As I took off I rode from the bike trail to the street and I was confronted with this...

Hmmmm what to do...Everyone else is gone. Im 4 miles from home. Its not bad right now..It just looks ominous. In fact its very still and quiet. LETS RIDE!

Do you ever make a decision and realize almost immediately that it may have been the wrong one but there isnt much you can do to stop it? I rode 50 yards from that picture and the wind picked up to near tornado levels and a mile into the ride I rode directly beneath a hole in the clouds that was swirling like a whirlpool. Debris blowing in my face 40-50mph winds It was all I could do to stay on. Light rain but I still was soaked by the time I got home. :)

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