Jan 19, 2011

Unknown side effect to losing weight

Ya I mean aside from feeling physically great. The mental aspect of changing your life to the level that Ive changed has some actual drawbacks that I didn't realize. You know how on the biggest loser the contestants have these emotional breakthroughs. Well thats kind of whats going on with me. I feel great about where I am and how far Ive come and the accomplishments I have made but its also affecting those around me. I really have had a difficult week trying to come to terms with some underlying emotional issues that have arisen from this weight loss. I know I can get over them but be ready they hit me like a ton of bricks. Losing a lot of weight is a hard thing to do and its really hard to find someone who has gone through a similar experience and knows how your feeling.

Just know, inside your still the same as you were, except now your better :) Dont be surprised if I write more about this as its a weighing pretty heavily on my mind.


LittleRachet said...

When you can no longer blame your weight for being unhappy, we are forced to face those issues that have been lying in wait for so long. Go at it head-on, just as you are with your weight loss. Take no prisoners. And with each one you conquer and come to terms with, it will feel like another (virtual) pound lost.

You are doing great - keep it up!

Amy Hamm said...

It's more than just a better you - it's the real you finally making its full appearance.